Royal Invisible Ink Marked Playing Cards

Royal invisible ink marked playing cards are used for poker or any other standard card game. They are original royal plastic cards made in Taiwan, China. Royal cards feature several…
Looking for the best marked deck? Our high- quality casino playing cards come from leading brands, including Bee,Amodiano, Copag, Bicycle, Fournier, and more.Magic marked cards are marked by changing the back design of decks. It applies a special system (rule) to hide the markings on the card backs

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商品コード: psku0007 カテゴリー: ,


The cards can be used in poker, or for any other card game. The original royal plastic cards are made in Taiwan. Royal cards come in a variety stylish back designs, including geometric patterns. These cards have a high level of playability and durability without sacrificing any. They are also washable. The cards are imported directly from the country they originated in, and then marked with special poker ink by a professional printer.

Royal marked cards that have luminous marks must be used in conjunction with other cheating methods, because we cannot see the invisible ink. We can’t see ink. The ink in this ink is located in the infrared wave band, and players can only view the marks if they wear infrared contacts. Other players cannot see the luminous marks. Other players can’t tell the truth about Royal marked cards by their appearances. Lenses can help users see large fonts and suits.

Royal invisible poker cards marked with ink allow the user to win money without any practice. During poker games, players can see their opponent?? Cards in advance, even if they are facing down. The results will let users know which way to bet best suits them.



Black / Jumbo Index / Double Decks, Black / Jumbo Index / Single Deck, Black / Standard Index / Double Decks, Black / Standard Index / Single Deck, Red / Jumbo Index / Double Decks, Red / Jumbo Index / Single Deck, Red / Standard Index / Double Decks, Red / Standard Index / Single Deck



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