perspective glasses

When it comes to glasses, there are so many choices available, that sometimes you don’t know where to start. After all, you’re not just buying a pair of frames; you’re investing in your vision. So, it’s important to choose a frame that not only looks great but fits your face properly so you can enjoy your new prescription for years to come.

It’s common for your eyes to take a little time to adjust to your new glasses. You might find it a bit uncomfortable when you put your new lenses in for the first time or you may experience some distortion. This is usually normal and will pass within a few days.

If it’s your first time with multifocal lenses, you may experience more difficulty adjusting to them. This is because your eye muscles need to adapt to the new lens design and, if you’re used to your old lenses, it can take some time for this to happen.

You might also find it takes a few days for your eyes to adjust to your new lens’s centred position. This is because your eyes have become used to the lens’s position on your face – and the centration of a multifocal lens is often quite different to a single vision lens.

There are a few things you can do to help your eyes adjust to your new glasses. Firstly, try wearing them as much as you can until they feel comfortable – this will help your brain to adapt and your eyes to get used to the change.

Secondly, you can try out your new glasses online by using our Virtual Try On tool. This is a great way to see how your favourite frames look on your face without having to go into the store. It’s important to remember though that this isn’t an indicator of fit – you need to check your PD and glass measurements with a dispenser to get the right fit for you.

Thirdly, you can visit your local opticians and have a professional take a few measurements so you can find the perfect frame for you. This is the best option if you have a high prescription or if you have trouble measuring your face accurately on your own.

Fourthly, you can also try out your new glasses on people to see how they fit. This can help you to find a new pair of glasses that you really love.

You can even try on some mental glasses! Just ask some friends or family members to give you their divergent views – it will give you new perspectives.

Lastly, you can always pick up some perspective glasses! A student at Konstfack University has created a pair of ‘Perspective’ glasses that use a combination of mirrors and magnifying lenses to shift the images between your eyes. This will make the world seem much smaller and distort your depth perception.

This will help you to see the world in a new way and maybe even give you an unexpected psychedelic experience!

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